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Small Groups

Small Groups are curriculum-driven and meet to discuss in-depth concepts pertaining to identities, professions, and more. These groups will uplift faith formation, personal discernment, and critical studies relating to being an LGBTQ+ Christian or Ally.

LGBTQ+ Allies (10 Weeks + 6 Weeks)

Christian churches often do not prepare us for when a friend or family member comes out as LGBTQ+. Many friends and family members of LGBTQ+ people are left looking for resources and support groups on their own, struggling to know how to engage with and support their LGBTQ+ loved one. This group serves as an introduction to LGBTQ+ definitions and the practical “do’s and don'ts” of becoming an LGBTQ+ ally. The group also lays the foundation for respectful, constructive conversations with and about LGBTQ+ people and provides further resources and opportunities for allies to advocate on behalf of LGBTQ+ loved ones. If you are a pastor or clergy member, we recommend joining the Clergy group in lieu of the LGBTQ+ Allies group for more specific details on how to navigate conversations around LGBTQ+ inclusion, affirmation, and allyship in a congregational setting.

Bible Study: John 3-5

This group spends time looking at three chapters in the Gospel of John, while acting as a safe, conversational space with others to process the feelings and potential obstacles individuals may experience in coming out as an LGBTQ+ Christian.

Trans & Gender-Expansive Identities (10 Weeks)

This is a group is exclusively for trans, non-binary, gender-expansive and discerning folks to find encouragement, spiritual growth and community. The curriculum in this group is designed to unequivocally affirm the identities and experiences of transgender/non-binary/gender expansive Christians. The material itself is divided into sections, each speaking to a different aspect of spiritual wellness. Throughout the weeks there will be time to reflect, complete exercises, and engage with resources outside of the guide material to create a more holistic content experience. The goal of this group is not theological certainty or homogeneity, but ultimately the provision of hope, comfort and affirmation of trans/non-binary/gender expansive identities. Curriculum for this group is based on the Trans and Gender Expansive Identities guide.

LGBTQ Ministers & Clergy

This group is for LGBTQ+ ministers and clergy to find a place of support and belonging in an affirming community.

The Good Fruit Project (A Christian Case Against Conversion Therapy)

This group is specifically for parents and allies of LGBTQ+ people, and faith leaders who are looking for a space of belonging to process and discuss the dangers of LGBTQ+ Conversion Therapy ideology and practices. This is not a support group for LGBTQ+ people who have experienced conversion therapy.

Sexuality & Spirituality (10 Weeks)

This group covers various ethical postures considered by members of the LGBTQ+ Christian community, featuring dozens of quotes from additional scholars, theologians, writers, poets, and more. No matter the sexual ethics you have adopted as part of your journey, you'll find this work to be significant and applicable for you. This is our most academically rigorous group and does sometimes require extensive weekly reading and preparation for group discussions. If you are looking for intellectual conversations around spirituality and sexuality, then this group is for you! Curriculum material for this group is derived from the Sexuality and Spirituality Guide. If you are LGBTQ+ identifying and in the process of coming out or newly out, we recommend first joining the Coming Out group. If you are an Ally and new to conversations around LGBTQ+ affirmation and sexual ethics, we recommend joining the Clergy, Parents, or LGBTQ+ Allies group(s).

Parents of Newly Out LGBTQ+ People (10 Weeks)

Parents of newly out LGBTQ+ children are thrust into a situation where they need to quickly, and often unexpectedly, develop a new language and practice of expressing unconditional love for their child. This group serves as a first step towards loving your LGBTQ+ child well by addressing terminology, theology and more with a group of parents on the same journey. This group is great for parents who are discerning their stance on LGBTQ+ inclusion and affirmation and/or new to conversations around LGBTQ+ identities and theology. The goal of this group is not theological certainty or homogeneity, but ultimately the pursuit of what it means to love our LGBTQ+ children well. Curriculum for this group is based on the Parents of Newly Out LGBTQ+ People guide.

Ministers & Clergy (10 Week + 6 Week)

This group is designed to equip clergy members to create a safer, more equitable environment for LGBTQ+ congregants in their respective church context.

Bible Study: Character of God

This group is focused on biblical study, using QCF's study content as a guide, and is intentionally designed to be conversational and casual in nature, geared towards fostering dialogue, growth and community.

Bible Study: Clobber Passages

Liberated to Love: a Teaching Series

From the first pages of Genesis to the last chapters in Revelation, we see human understanding of God and God’s relationship to Creation change and shift. This group will empower our community and allies with important teachings that point towards liberation by looking at the life of Jesus—and the arc of Scripture— which should inform our journey towards seeking full affirmation of LGBTQ+ identities.

Spiritual Practices & Reflections

This group is designed to be a casual space for Allies and LGBTQ+ people of faith to cultivate and share in community by going through different spiritual reflections together.